

  • 资格类型: 大师
  • 地点: 伦敦富勒姆
  • bwin娱乐长度: 1年
  • 学习模式: 全职
  • 开始日期: 2024年9月


我们的一年制硕士bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作学位是完美的学生寻求追求 高级实用bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作培训 while also learning the skills to contextualise their creative choices through critical thinking.

我们独特的bwin体育苹果下载iOS教育方法为学生提供 实习培训,来自行业专业人士,横跨六个bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作学科- 导演,制片,剪辑,编剧,摄影和声音. This intensive training across multiple roles means graduates leave LFA as well rounded filmmakers who can excel in their chosen field while remaining agile within a collaborative industry.

bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作的数量, 再加上以职业为重点的研究, ensures students produce a substantial showreel including a variety of disciplines of work ready to make their mark as a world class filmmaker.

The bwin体育苹果下载iOS gave me the opportunity to meet important players in the industry. 他们一直在那里帮助我找到我的方式和发展我的知识, 甚至在bwin娱乐结束后.


Jean-Philippe Gossart, Filmmaking Diploma Graduate - ‘The Witcher (TV Series)’ Cinematographer


  • Intensive 和 in-depth practical training in the key disciplines of filmmaking
  • 所有的bwin娱乐材料和bwin体育苹果下载iOS预算都包含在bwin娱乐费用中
  • 有经验的bwin体育苹果下载iOS培训 & 电视行业导师和演讲嘉宾
  • 大师班与Q&和杰出的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作人一样
  • Direct access to industry with an expenses-paid trip to a leading UK film festival
  • 使用超级16mm胶片和高端数码相机拍摄
  • 投球技术和其他重要软技能的发展
  • 先进的批判性思维,告知你的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作实践 
  • 优秀的学生与导师比例
  • 关注未来的职业和就业能力 


We're looking for creative individuals who can demonstrate a strong instinct for the grammar of visual storytelling as well as a passion for a professional career in filmmaking. 你必须有自我激励的能力, thrive in a collaborative environment 和 be willing to challenge your perceptions of your chosen specialisation 和 the l和scape of film.  

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

LFA是一所注册的高等教育机构 学生事务处(OfS) 在他们的 注册,这意味着我们符合OfS的要求 学术标准、bwin娱乐质量、学生支持、  学生保护. 

bwin娱乐由德比大学认证. As a partner student you will be granted access to the University’s online learning environment ‘德比大学 Online (UDo)’ where you will be able to access programme resources related to your programme, 大学图书馆和你的成绩.


我们的精神是在实践中学习 同时使用超级16毫米和高端数码相机, 如Arri Alexa系列, we will facilitate as many film productions as possible to improve your showreel, build your career path 和 further your underst和ing of the industry at an advanced level. 

The research focus of this practical master’s centres around your individual career progression 和 will equip you with the skills to employ critical thinking 和 how it influences your chosen specialism, as well as the ability to confidently engage in debate around the l和scape of film. You will further your theoretical underst和ing of the craft of filmmaking 和  contextualise it through practice. By doing so you will cultivate new research 和 development skills that will enable you to create films with depth, 解决问题, ideas 和 established structures that will be important to you throughout your career. 我们为我们的开创性方法感到自豪 our mission is to produce world-class filmmakers who can bring compelling stories to life. 


该模块致力于学习剧本创作的关键领域, 导演, 摄影, 编辑和声音. Students develop analytical skills to contextualise their work 和 take part in a range of h和s-on workshops. bwin娱乐的这一阶段以一个合作项目告终, which allows students to experience each role within all the given disciplines, broadening their knowledge 和 helping them to identify any area(s) to develop further. 


学生将在几个复杂的, team-based film projects in different roles to further enhance their skills in specific subject areas. Students learn to pitch 和 present their work in an industry framework 和 engage with existing material to develop their aesthetic sensibilities 和 strengthen their own practice. Students use professional equipment 和 are supported throughout the creative process where they receive constructive feedback by industry professionals.  


The final module has a professional 和 career focus 和 looks at students' next steps 和 employability. It also enables students to contextualise their filmmaking within the relevant critical framework 和  adhere to sound ethical principles. Students will design 和 undertake a personal research project (a negotiated dissertation), 符合他们的职业抱负. These dissertations can take the form of a written or visual piece 和 can include previous work experience or scripts you have worked on as a form of research.

另外, 我们的硕士学生有机会参加活动, 在bwin娱乐期间放映和bwin体育苹果下载iOS节, 提供了一个获得切实利益的机会, practical experience in a nurturing industry environment 和 gain first-h和 insight on the current industry trends 和 practices. 

bwin娱乐费用 & 资金的细节

MAbwin体育苹果下载iOS制作的全部费用是 £22,500 (inclusive of film production budgets 和 there are no hidden additional costs).

存款: 成功的申请者将收到录取通知书. 在接受他们的位置后, 申请人将被要求支付不可退还的4英镑押金,500. The balance of course fees will need to be paid in accordance to the LFA条款 和 条件.

申请费: £50.



  • 大学本科或同等学历 
  • 不是毕业生?  我们欢迎具有丰富行业经验的学生申请, 谁能证明自己有能力在研究生阶段学习. 

To begin your application process for a place on this course please apply via the 即将到来的bwin娱乐日期 section below.  As soon as we've received your application we’ll send you a confirmation email containing information on the next steps. Please check your ‘Junk Mail’ folder if you appear to have not received this email. 


  • 完成在线LFA申请
  • 你的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作例子. 包括链接到你的 
    • 数字组合 or
    • 视频showreel or  
    • 短片剧本  
  • 简历/简历 
  • 个人陈述(不超过750字)概述 
    • 你的动机
    • 你的背景和拍bwin体育苹果下载iOS的抱负 
    • 个人研究项目的想法 
    • 为什么这门bwin娱乐,以及LFA作为一个机构,是你的正确选择 
  • 学历证书(仅限学位资格) 
  • 两封推荐信:学术或专业 
  • 护照扫描件 

如果你符合我们的入学要求, we offer an interview where we discuss your portfolio 和 motivations - we are looking for creative filmmaking ability/potential as evidenced through visual 和 written material. 面试将帮助你展示你对bwin体育苹果下载iOS的理解和兴趣, as well as your awareness of the key elements of the course 和 a clear idea as to how completing the course will help you achieve career ambitions. 


To study at LFA, it is essential that you can communicate effectively in English. You will need to provide evidence of your proficiency if English is not your first language. 对于国际学生,我们接受 雅思学术 资格(雅思成绩6分以上.0).



  • 2024年9月16日至2025年8月22日
    bwin娱乐费用:£ 22,500

    NB. 由于名额有限,我们建议尽早申请.